PRM-台湾 - プラスチック機械、ゴム機械ポータル

Turkish Plastic Market Evaluation | PDA GLOBAL Interview (POLYSTAR Agent)


Video Description

PRM Media Channel continues to share with you the most current industry insight into local markets around the world. This time our guest of PRM Industry Insight program is Mr. Emrah Cakir from PDA GLOBAL company, as well as the agent of POLYSTAR in Turkey.

We have touched on many current topics of the plastics machinery industry including the shipping obstacles, current plastic packaging machinery demand of the Turkish market due to emerging needs, advantages of having a local agent in the Turkish market,  the fluctuation in the foreign currency in the Turkish market, and so on.
Let's take a look at the video and hear more from Mr. Cakir about his solution suggestions to the current issues in the market.

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